Things to be paying attention to:

Ronald Reagan and Comprehensive Immigration Reform by Joe Nevins on NACLA

The TUSD Unitary Status/Desegregation Plan, and the Declaration of Intellectual Warriors

And also, TUSD proposed school closures.   This hits particularly close to home, as two of my fellow BSP-ers worked at one of the schools proposed to be closed, Manzo Elementary.  Manzo is a center of community in Barrio Hollywood; some families have attended Manzo for generations.

Video by Roxanne

It’s a major week for the Tucson Unified School District

With Historic Desegregation Plan, Will Tucson Reinstate Mexican American Studies? Interview With Co-Founder Sean Arce

TUSD School Closures: ‘We’re Going to Have to Band Together As Parents, Teachers and Students’

I’m going to a community forum tonight to show my support for the MAS program and the preservation of Tucson’s neighborhood schools, including Manzo Elementary, where two of my fellow Border Studiers interned this semester.

Tú eres mi otro yo.

In Lak’Ech

Tú eres mi otro yo.                       You are my other me.

Si te hago daño a ti,                        If I do harm to you,

me hago daño a mi mismo.       I do harm to myself.

Si te amo y respeto,                      If I love and respect you,

me amo y respeto yo.                  I love and respect myself.

-Mayan Traditional Greeting

In some classrooms in Tucson, each class begins with a recitation of In Lak’Ech, a reminder that we all are intertwined, and how we treat others affects how we experience the world.

As this semester of the Border Studies Program ends, I carry forward with me the words of In Lak’Ech,

Let’s build a world on bonds of solidarity and collective wellbeing.  Let’s listen to each other, let’s respect each other, let’s act on our love and make a world where we can all act on our love.

Yes, I voted for Obama

It was a hard call, between Jill Stein and the ever-so-easy possibility of just not putting my ballot in the mail.  Obama has been disappointing in many ways, and I’m a lot different from the girl who cut school to make phone calls and canvass on election day four years ago.  I’d never expected my first vote in a general election to feel so difficult.  But I did it – don’t worry, grandparents.  I cast my ballot for Obama, because my friends and I need Planned Parenthood, and we all need FEMA, and Joe Biden actually acknowledged trans* people, and I want to see what happens when a democrat that was elected under the banner of Change gets a second term.

“the violence a romney presidency would bring down on the bodies of my female and queer comrades is enough to make me show up to this election and vote for obama.”

-Adrienne Maree Brown, standing with: an election call from my body

Today is Día de los Muertos

public art installation for Dia de los Muertos on the Mexicali/Calexico Border Wall

Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a celebration of life, a traditional way for the living to affirm their love for those who have passed away… We carry in our hearts the memories and dreams of all who have walked beside us in the journey of life. So long as we remember with love and honor, the dead never really die.

I’ll be celebrating the life of my mother, great-grandparents, grandfather, other friends and family members, and those who have lost their lives in the desert and at the Wall in many processions this weekend.